Many components in electric and hybrid motors, such as the rotor arm, also benefit from electrochemical metalworking. The process is faster, more reliable and more energy-efficient than many alternatives.
Electrochemical machining an alternative to metal cutting
Electrochemical metal machining (ECM) is an established technique for burr removal. However, ECM can do much more. The EMAG ECM Company wants to use the process to replace conventional drilling, broaching and even milling. A number of advantages over machining speak in favor of this. The advance of electromobility alone will reduce the total number of parts required in the long term. In addition, components would look different in the future. At the same time, the demands on materials, shape, complexity and precision are increasing. Read More
Using technology to combat the skilled labor shortage
Successful manufacturing companies are combatting the skilled labor shortage by investing in automation and software to complement their existing workforce, meet production requirements, and attract new talent. Many companies are taking the leap into automation and software systems that can help them meet production and quality requirements. Read More
Precision machining of connecting rods with JUNKER grinding machines
Linamar Powertrain GmbH produces connecting rods with extreme efficiency, and consistently fulfills the OEM‘s quality requirements. With its quick retooling feature, the SATURN double surface grinding machine from JUNKER is not only flexible, but also an economical and reliable solution for precision production of diverse connecting rods. Read More
Drilling steel just got faster and more efficient
Global leader in metal cutting, Sandvik Coromant has launched an upgraded assortment of its CoroDrill® 860 solid carbide drill to offer customers improved productivity in drilling steel. The advanced -PM geometry offers high-performance drilling in ISO P steels while significantly improving tool life. Read More
Widia introduces the next generation in versatile end milling
WIDIA launched the WCE solid end milling platform, delivering affordable performance and reliability for small to medium machine shops. The initial release of the WCE platform features WCE4, a four-flute geometry which combines advanced, high-performance features with a brand new, versatile grade offered at a highly competitive price. Read More
Gripping and clamping from a single source
Automated loading and unloading in just a few steps: with the new MTB application kits, SCHUNK provides a convenient introduction to partial automation with cobots. The grippers and power vises included are perfectly adapted for use in metal cutting machining and can be combined with robot-specific connection kits. Read More
The cutting edge of aerospace machining
For the aerospace industry, the "cutting edge" of parts machining goes far beyond having the latest CNC equipment and accessories. It also means engaging at the earliest stages of the process using the latest in design for manufacturing (DFM), simulation and process verification processes prior to cutting the first part. Read More
Alfred Lee to drive Schaeffler's industrial business strategy in APAC
Global automotive and industrial supplier Schaeffler announced late last year the appointment of Alfred Lee, as the President for Industrial Asia Pacific. In an interview with International Metalworking News for Asia (IMNA), Alfred details his goals and what he can offer to help the company and customers to fulfil this goal. Read More
C.O.R.E.—A revolutionary product innovation
A revolutionary product innovation from the UNITED GRINDING Group called C.O.R.E.—Customer Oriented REvolution—impressed the expert jury at the UX Design Awards. It merited a “Special Mention” for outstanding user and customer experience.
High Performance, High Yield Marking & Coding Systems
Realizing high return on investment for laser marking systems requires reliable laser performance. Synrad high performance CO2 lasers have demonstrated reliability in marking and coding applications for more than 20 years, consistently delivering more value than the lower price alternatives.
Supplier:Taiwan Takisawa Technology Co., Ltd.
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